
While we whole-heartedly encourage fighting, or altering definitions to suit your particular whims, we realize there’s a few inside baseball or somewhat confusing squares that came about because they were originally just stupid in-jokes between Bee and Kay. So, because we don’t want the same annoying emails over and over again, here’s a few definitions.

Okay so there’s actually a person on set who’s whole job is to make sure that that coffee cup the actor put down is in the exact same spot when you start the next take. Or to make sure the hair is the same way. Or note that coat is zipped up or down. Continuity people are saints. But, you know, these are cheap movies filmed quickly. So, anything off like that is a continuity error.

Face Acting!
This is a term lovingly stolen from Rebecca Lavoie of the Crime Writer’s On/These Are Their Stories podcast. You know when an actor tries really hard to emote but kinda not move their face at the same time and they just end up looking a tad constipated? That’s kind of it. But not really. Look, when you see it you know it, okay?

Filmed in the GVRD/GTA
Almost always these movies are filmed in either Toronto or Vancouver (or their direct surrounding areas). It’s cheaper to film in Canada, alright? Our shitty dollar has to benefit somebody.

Frequent Flyer
You know how you keep seeing the same actors pop up in these movies? Sometimes it’s over a span of years, or maybe they’re five movies that all get released at once. Either way, they’re a frequent flyer.

Hey it’s that guy/gal!
Maybe they’re somebody kinda famous but you don’t know their name. Maybe you’ve just seen them 20 times this year because you’re twisted and watch a lot of these movies. But somehow you know you’ve seen their face before. These people are different than used to be famous, and this is an excellent opportunity to fight with your loved ones during the game.

Set In Bedford Mills
Bedford Mills is a mash up between Bedford Falls (a la It’s A Wonderful Life) and Grovers Mills (a la The War of the Worlds 1938 radio broadcast from CBS), made up by Bee because he’s incapable of remembering a seminal town name properly from a fictional story. Bedford Mills is that perfect, quaint little town that most of these ridiculous movies take place in.

What exactly makes a Bedford Mills? Look, this definition is kind of up to you. Bee’s definition includes a general store that never seems to bill anybody. Kay is unhappy with this definition and it’s a constant source of bickering during the game.

Unnecessary ADR/Foley
ADR (additional dialogue recording) or foley (special effects noises added by somebody in post-production) that are for some reason there, quite often very noticeably and sometimes very badly, and don’t quite add to the story in any meaningful way. Extra brownie points if the actor obviously had to re-record their dialogue in post because the sound people didn’t do their goddamned job properly in the first place.

Unexplained Canadiana
Why is there a Canadian flag in the background of this movie that takes place in Vermont? What’s that Tim Horton’s cup doing on that coffee table? Boy that Canada Post truck sure looks weird in the background doesn’t it? That’s your unexplained Canadiana.